Таблиця для Cheat Engine [UPD: 10.12.2019]

  • Phoenix Point — Таблиця для Cheat Engine [UPD: 10.12.2019]
Автор: Csimbi
Розмір: 4.38 kB
Додав: xam_xam
Дата: 11 грудня 2019, 07:00
Завантажень: 372

Geoscape script gives you:

- Free skills; будь-який без потребує skill points. Enable only when you actualne need it.

- [Безкоштовні навички]

- Free abilites; Buy any without requiring skill points (character must still meet the requirements though). Enable only when you actualne need it.

- [Безкоштовні можливості]

- Min. Tech; grants you a min. amount of Tech resource. Runs про once per second. Ви потребуєте, щоб flip на сторінці або деякий, щоб дізнатися, що це було фактично updated.

- [Мін. Технологій]

– Min. Materials; grants you a min. amount of Materials resource. Runs про once per second. Ви потребуєте, щоб flip на сторінці або деякий, щоб дізнатися, що це було фактично updated.

- [Мін. матеріалів]

- Min. Food; grants you a min. amount of Food resource. Runs про once per second. Ви потребуєте, щоб flip на сторінці або деякий, щоб дізнатися, що це було фактично updated.

- [Мін. їди]

- Research Speed ​​Mod; allows you to scale up (or down) ваші search Speed.

- [Ізм. Швидкість досліджень]

- Manufacturing Speed ​​Mod; allows you to scale up (or down) Ваша швидкість роботи. Interestingly, гра калькулює це використання integers з тим, щоб писати, ви не можете отримувати результати. E.g. with a value of 1.1 there won't be any difference. Also note that every now and then the queue may get stuck — nothing I can do about, probably a bug in the game. Remove поточно заздалегідь підписаний пункт і queue буде прийнято для того, щоб.

- [Ізм. Швидкість Мануфактури]

Tactical phase script gives you:

- Infinite Action Points; Just that.

- [Беск. Окуляри Дії]

– God mode; Just that.

- [Безсмертя]

- XP Gain Mod; allows you to scale up (або down) the XP peeps gain. Note: Немає гравця check here, dunno if enemy uses it.

- [Множитель Досвіду]

- Infinite Ammo; just that

- [Беск. Патрони].

– Weapon Spread Mod; allows you to scale up (or down) your weapons' accuracy. Note: even 0 won't give perfect accuracy. Game adds a min. spread and random spread on top. Зменшення того, що вимагають небагатьох ударів, які не мають часу для.

- [Ізм. Розкид при Стрільбі]

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Таблица для Cheat Engine [UPD: 10.12.2019]

Geoscape script gives you:

- Free skills; buy any without requiring skill points. Enable only when you actually need it.

- [Бесплатные Навыки]

- Free abilites; buy any without requiring skill points (the character must still meet the requirements though). Enable only when you actually need it.

- [Бесплатные Способности]

- Min. Tech; grants you a min. amount of Tech resource. Runs about once per second. You'll need to flip the page or something to see that it was actually updated.

- [Мин. Технологий]

- Min. Materials; grants you a min. amount of Materials resource. Runs about once per second. You'll need to flip the page or something to see that it was actually updated.

- [Мин. Материалов]

- Min. Food; grants you a min. amount of Food resource. Runs about once per second. You'll need to flip the page or something to see that it was actually updated.

- [Мин. Еды]

- Research Speed Mod; allows you to scale up (or down) your research speed.

- [Изм. Скорость Исследований]

- Manufacturing Speed Mod; allows you to scale up (or down) your manufacturing speed. Interestingly, the game calculates this using integers so due to rounding, you might not get the desired results. E.g. with a value of 1.1 there won't be any difference. Also note that every now and then the queue may get stuck — nothing I can do about, probably a bug in the game. Remove the currently manufactured item and the queue will proceed for a while again.

- [Изм. Скорость Мануфактуры]

Tactical phase script gives you:

- Infinite Action Points; just that.

- [Беск. Очки Действия]

- God mode; just that.

- [Бессмертие]

- XP Gain Mod; allows you to scale up (or down) the XP peeps gain. Note: No player check here, dunno if enemy uses it.

- [Множитель Опыта]

- Infinite Ammo; just that

- [Беск. Патроны].

- Weapon Spread Mod; allows you to scale up (or down) your weapons' accuracy. Note: even 0 won't give perfect accuracy. Game adds a min. spread and a random spread on top. Fixing that would require several hooks, which I don't have the time for.

- [Изм. Разброс при Стрельбе]

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