Resident Evil 3
Resident Evil 3 — переиздание легендарного экшен-хоррора со статичной камерой Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. Приготовьтесь вновь окунуться в хаос умирающего города... Детальніше
Таблиця для Cheat Engine [UPD: 20.03.2020]
1584706336_1584706336_re3demo.zipЗавантажити 6.96 kBПароль на архів: vgtimes
Resident Evil 3 - Raccoon City Demo.
Undead // Безсмертя
- health still drop but you won't die.
- default min health allowed: 500
- не throughtly tested. якщо ви не збираєтеся завантажити, налаштувати його на одну і ось, якщо ви можете перевірити Demo... і report~
no reload // Без Перезарядки
- DISABLE auto-reload in game option menu перша!
- ви можете випустити звір без будь-якого ammo clip.
- ammo clip still decrease until it reaches zero.
ignore ammo pouch // Беск. Патрони
- allows you to reload your gun without any ammo pouch.
slow walk key // Повільний Крок
- of course it's the first thing I made... allows you to walk slow при holding the specified key, default: CapsLock.
slow motion (speedhack) // Уповільнити Час
- just using CE's speedhack для manipulation the game speed by hold the specified keys.
- script default, коли activated, hold Mouse X1 Button and Mouse Right Button (i.e.
- Ви можете змінити ключові кнопки і швидкість після того, як Ви активували script.
universal item key // Універсальний Ключ
- I haven't actually test this one. Just found the aobscan still work for the game and just port it from RE2... so, let me know~
- below is just copy and paste from my RE2 cheat table post...
- allows you to interact with world objects with any item from your inventory.
- для прикладу, Open spade key doors with your handgun ammo.
- press and hold CapsLock key (or the key you specified) when clicking on the item in the inv AND when clicking on the USE option.
- не може бути використаний на світових об'єктах, які дозволяють multiple items (e.g., dark room, multi-items puzzle, etc).
Процес запуску:
1. Запустити Cheat Engine, "Load" і вибрати таблицю
2. "Select a process to open", вибрати потрібний процес.
3. Вибрати потрібну опцію, поставити хрест.
Resident Evil 3 — Raccoon City Demo.
Undead // Бессмертие
- health still drop but you won't die.
- default min health allowed: 500
- not throughtly tested. if you're feeling adventurous, set it to 1 and see if you can survive the demo... and report~
no reload // Без Перезарядки
- DISABLE auto-reload in the game option menu first!
- allows you to fire the gun without any ammo clip.
- ammo clip still decrease until it reaches zero.
ignore ammo pouch // Беск. Патроны
- allows you to reload your gun without any ammo pouch.
slow walk key // Медленный Шаг
- of course it's the first thing I made... allows you to walk slow when holding the specified key, default: CapsLock.
slow motion (speedhack) // Замедлить Время
- just using CE's speedhack to manipulate the game speed by hold the specified keys.
- by script default, when activated, hold Mouse X1 Button and Mouse Right Button (i.e. hold Mouse X1 Button when aiming) would enter slow-motion by using CE's speedhack.
- you can change the key combinations and the speed after you activated the script.
universal item key // Универсальный Ключ
- I haven't actually test this one. just found the aobscan still work for the game and just port it from RE2... so, let me know~
- below is just copy and paste from my RE2 cheat table post...
- allows you to interact with world objects with any item from your inventory.
- for example, open spade key doors with your handgun ammo.
- press and hold CapsLock key (or the key you specified) when clicking on the item in the inv AND when clicking on the USE option.
- should not be used on world objects that allows multiple items (e.g., dark room, multi-items puzzle, etc).
Процесс запуска:
1. Запустить Cheat Engine, "Load" и выбрать таблицу
2. "Select a process to open", выбрать нужный процесс.
3. Выбрать нужную опцию, поставить крест.
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