Trials of Mana
Trials of Mana — полноценный HD-ремейк третьей игры в серии Mana, которая вышла в Японии под названием Seiken Densetsu 3. Когда мир был окутан тьмой, Богиня Маны... Детальніше
Таблиця для Cheat Engine [UPD: 30.04.2020]
1588335342_1588335342_trials_of_mana_win64_shipping.zipЗавантажити 4.98 kBПароль на архів: vgtimes
[battle scripts]:
undead - не вмираєш
- [battle scripts] must be activated.
- health still drop when being hit until it reaches the min HP specified, default: 1, can be changed via the entry.
- set min HP to full health to lock the HP at full.
- works on the whole party.
- помітити, що якщо хлопець здобувається велике, ніж ваш поточний HP, ви будете клацнути вниз по краю, але ви збираєтеся назавжди.
full MP - повний МП
- [battle scripts] must be activated.
- as title says, lock MP at full always.
full CS gauge - повний CS датчик
- [battle scripts] must be activated.
- as title says, lock CS gauge at full always.
[k&m control scripts]:
walk/sprint key — ходьба / спринт ключ
- [k&m control scripts] must be activated.
- script default, коли activated, hold Ctrl key to walk, Shift key to sprint.
mouse sensitivity multiplier — множник чутливості миші
- [k&m control scripts] must be activated.
- as title says, script would multiply the mouse sensitivity by the specified multiplier, default: x2.
analogue movement simulation — аналогове моделювання руху
- [k&m control scripts] must be activated.
- коли activated, turning with WASD може бути добре, ніж оригінал the awkward instant turning.
- потрібна до turn this off в ring menu і training menu though, as controls would be unpredictable there, may refine it later. в часі часу, якщо ви зацікавлені в цьому списку, краще зробити hot-key with CE так, що ви можете торкатися цього списку легко в гри.
plus деякі basic pointers як hp/mp (для масових hot-keys для роботи) і гравців coords (необхідна активація [k&m control scripts] script first.
Процес запуску:
1. Запустити Cheat Engine, "Load" і вибрати таблицю
2. "Select a process to open", вибрати потрібний процес.
3. Вибрати потрібну опцію, поставити хрест.
[battle scripts]:
undead — не умираешь
- [battle scripts] must be activated.
- health still drop when being hit until it reaches the min HP specified, default: 1, can be changed via the entry.
- set min HP to full health to lock the HP at full.
- works on the whole party.
- note that if a damage taken is greater than your current HP, you'd be knocked down on the ground, but you'll get up again immediately.
full MP — полный МП
- [battle scripts] must be activated.
- as title says, lock MP at full always.
full CS gauge — полный CS датчик
- [battle scripts] must be activated.
- as title says, lock CS gauge at full always.
[k&m control scripts]:
walk/sprint key — ходьба / спринт ключ
- [k&m control scripts] must be activated.
- by script default, when activated, hold Ctrl key to walk, Shift key to sprint.
mouse sensitivity multiplier — множитель чувствительности мыши
- [k&m control scripts] must be activated.
- as title says, script would multiply the mouse sensitivity by the specified multiplier, default: x2.
analogue movement simulation — аналоговое моделирование движения
- [k&m control scripts] must be activated.
- when activated, turning with WASD would be smoother than the original the awkward instant turning.
- need to turn this off in the ring menu and training menu though, as the controls would be unpredictable there, may refine it later. in mean time, if you're interested in this script, just make a hot-key with CE so that you can toggle this script easily in-game.
plus some basic pointers like the hp/mp (for the heal hot-keys to work) and player coords (need to activate [k&m control scripts] script first.
Процесс запуска:
1. Запустить Cheat Engine, "Load" и выбрать таблицу
2. "Select a process to open", выбрать нужный процесс.
3. Выбрать нужную опцию, поставить крест.
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